Sunday, November 30, 2008


"By the 8th century, Advent, the origins of which are apparently to be found some three or four centuries earlier in Gaul, had become an integral part of the Christmas cycle and was understood to be the beginning of the church year. The season has two parts. From the first Sunday through December 16 there is an eschatological emphasis, and the days from December 17 to Christmas Even look toward Jesus' birth. The Nativity is thus properly understood as the guarantee of the second advent; as Christ came once in humility, so he will come again in glory." . . .

"in the single word "come" (Prayer of the Day, Lutheran Book of Worship) the prayer, which is addressed directly to Christ, voices the longing appeal of the church for the advent of its Lord." . . .

"The appointed color sequence is found for the first time at the beginning of the 12th century; usage varied. . . " from violet to purple, and now the preference listed in the LBW is blue. Commentary on the Lutheran Book of Worship, by Philip H. Pfatteicher, (Augsburg Fortress, 1990), chapter 5, "The Propers," p. 207
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