Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tucson shooter obsessed with bizarre Internet movie Zeitgeist.

Byron York examines Loughner's obsession with a movie. "Zeitgeist" has three parts. The first tells us that Christianity is a myth, and that religion in general conditions us to believe other myths. The second tells us that the most powerful of those other myths is 9/11 -- we call it an act of terrorism when it fact it was an inside job perpetrated by the U.S. government. And the third part tells us the real powers behind 9/11 and the other myths are central bankers. They're making the myths for money, while we're just being duped."

Tucson shooter obsessed with bizarre Internet movie | Byron York | Politics | Washington Examiner

But if it hadn't been this movie, it would have been shadows on the wall, or the way his English teacher looked at him, or a girl who dumped him. Whatever, it sure wasn't Sarah Palin.

And Lee Siegel on movies in general (on government): "According to news reports, Loughner went to one of Congresswoman Giffords' public meetings and asked her this question: "What is government if words have no meaning?" It also appears in his YouTube video. In the light of what later happened, the question chills us. Its nihilism and its unbalanced lack of basic trust are haunting. Yet they are also the stuff, not just of right-wing suspicion of government, or of radical left-wing suspicion of same, but of scores of Hollywood movies, from Taxi Driver and Three Days of the Condor, to Guilty by Suspicion and Mercury Rising, to The Sentinel and Syriana, and, well, I can't keep up. For at least half a century, our movies, from simple to complex, have been driven by the idea that official words have no meaning and that government is either criminal or a sham."

American Nihilism | The New York Observer
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