Thursday, January 13, 2011

To my dear friend and Christian brother

Dear friend of many years,

I'm going to have to take a Christian brother to task here [e-mail about shifting blame to the wrong people for the Tucson murders]. All politicians are vilified. No more so now than during John Adams' day or Andrew Jackson's. That's not the point. Obama snarled back and made unpatriotic remarks about his country and the people he has sworn to protect and lead. That's where the gag order should have begun--with his mouth and angry words. He should have been above that. So his being such a hypocrite about "we" is not at all calming the waters now.

The left has been attacking Sarah Palin since they found out she allowed her Down Syndrome baby to live. I'd only seen one or two news items about her before she became McCain's running mate, and that's the first really ugly thing I saw posted on leftist blogs and Democrat web sites. "What was she thinking? Doesn't she know what a burden this child will be to society? She's so irresponsible." About 90% of women screened and told the baby has Down's choose to abort. Are "we", a so-called Christian nation, supposed to be proud of that? Are Democrats--who claim to want only the best for the weakest in society? And hatred for her has only grown--a Christian who didn't kill her child! Then they started in on how dumb and inexperienced she was--governor of our largest state compared to a one term Senator who voted present a lot. Much of that is just plain misogyny (hatred of women).

Friend, our president believes in, and he was the only member of Congress to support, late term abortion. This means, in case you're not up on how this is done, the child is turned so the head comes out last, and as she exits the birth canal, or the abdomen if a Cesarean, she's stabbed in the head and the brain destroyed while the head is still in the so-called "mother" so it can be called an abortion and not infanticide. Are you proud of this president and his party for believing this should be legal? And even though embryonic stem cell experimentation was made completely unnecessary by new developments during the Bush years, he still released new money (our tax money) so researchers could use more embryos for research (it was never illegal--just received limited government funding). Not a single medical advancement has ever been found through this ghoulish procedure, but it was the very first thing he did in January 2009.

The rumor about the $250 million for the India trip was from a source in India and was first printed in their newspapers, not ours, from one of their government sources. Then it was picked up here, and never denied by any WH source--it was only ridiculed. Maybe it was only $20 million. It doesn't really matter, a President needs to be safe, but what does matter is that during a time of extreme economic hardship for the average American, he has spent more on leisure, vacations, state dinners, etc. than any WH in recent history. He behaves like a medieval potentate.

Is there propaganda and misinformation on all sides--yes, especially the part about where he was born, which is just silly because if an American woman has a baby in Asia, or Africa, or the middle of the ocean, the baby is still an American citizen. But the birthers are no more silly than the truthers--the guys who claim Bush planned 9/11, and some of those were part of Obama's staff.

No one made money on TARP (2008 under Bush), and no one knows to this day why Paulson (Bush's Treasurer) thought everything was going to collapse. And ARRA? It hasn't even all been spent and was frittered away on various projects, like sidewalks on my street and road repairs in my suburb, that went primarily to unions who supported Obama. So of course, we're always going to be told it was successful, just like the lies we were told about Roosevelt and the Great Depression. He kept it going for a decade with his crazy economic schemes, yet somehow we were taught in school that he was some sort of savior because he put men to work building parks like the White Pines (which had been used as a park by the locals for years) or painting murals in the Post Office in Mt. Morris. Without TARP, and without ARRA, we probably could have recovered 6 months ago from this current recession, brought on by the government messing with banking and the housing market.

As an observant Christian, you well know that we Americans have become consumers and extremely materialistic. We love our entertainment--movies, football, golf--we love to redecorate our houses, buy new cars, and take trips. A 10% unemployment rate is a big wake up call--it's even scared some of the gen-x folks. Even as the stock market recovers it will be awhile before people trust enough to invest in small business or hire new workers. Our public service retirement funds (and that would be me) and social security (my husband) are way over extended and unsustainable, because no one thought ahead to how this would be paid for. No one said stop. Government health care was crammed down our throats before Congress read the bill and before Medicare and Medicaid were cleaned up.

And now? A Congresswoman is shot by a crazy man who thought 6 was 18 and had caused problems in his community for years--and no one stopped him. The Democrats in government and media are saying some how conservatives should stop talking about making cut backs, repealing Obamacare, being more responsible, and running the country with a smaller government. How they got to that conclusion from a bloody super market parking lot in Tucson, only a Democrat could tell you.
My Zimbio