Thursday, January 13, 2011

How the health care public option works

A doctor blogs about how Medicaid works in her state:

Today my office received the provider's newsletter from one of the Medicaid providers in Missouri. You know, the PUBLIC OPTION. The one you and I pay for with our tax dollars. In the newsletter, the provider boasted about the new programs for subscribers. Here are your tax dollars at work in Missouri:

1.Patients will get a $30 gift card for every 5 OB prenatal visits that they attend.

2.If you need a ride to get to your doctor's office, they will provide transportation.

3.This PUBLIC OPTION provider will pay for memberships for children to join a local 4-H club, Boys or Girls Club, Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, Girls Inc., Discovering Options or Select Caring Community Out-of-School Time Programs.

4.Oh, and the doctor will be paid $25 for a postpartum visit, WOW!!!

Ladies and gentlemen....THIS IS THE PUBLIC OPTION AT WORK. Providers get a pittance for seeing patients, BUT patients are paid to go to the doctor, rides are provided and their children's membership dues are paid to join after school clubs and activities.....all from taxpayer dollars that are ostensibly for health care."

Can we afford the public option? Is it any wonder the system is broke? Repeal Obamacare!
My Zimbio