Monday, January 17, 2011

Arizona shooting victim arrested after threatening Tea Party member of panel

Do you suppose that ABC and Christiane Amanpour used poor judgement in bringing an understandably stressed out shooting victim on to a panel when the media clearly have been part of the run up to blame the wrong people for the tragedy? James Fuller probably believed their lies. He threatened the Tea Party representative, Trent Humphries, on the panel and was arrested. He will have a mental health evaluation, something which Loughner apparently either didn't have, or was allowed to ignore the results. Shame on ABC for not 1) vetting their panelists, and 2) not protecting their panelists. I watched the tape; Humphries hadn't said anything inflamatory--he was asking for calm and a period of respectful mourning. Fuller appears to have come prepared to challenge him.

Arizona shooting victim arrested after threat - Yahoo! News

Moonbattery: "Congratulations to ABC. People are finally going to watch the floundering Amanpour's This Week program. But good luck getting anyone to swallow the preposterous "mainstream" media narrative that this horrible story is about Sarah Palin and the Tea Party encouraging violence. Even ABC's own affiliates are starting to choke on the irony."
My Zimbio