Thursday, January 22, 2009

Pray for the President

During George Bush's time in office, I received e-mails from a group that prayed for him. I don't know if Obama will have a similar arrangement, but I will certainly be praying for him. St. Paul tells Christians to do this, and if you remember the years immediately after the crucifixion, those were not easy times either for Jews or their off-shoot "cults." In some ways, praying for Obama will be easier; for me it's his views on the sanctity of life. If I know nothing else about what's going on in Washington or which head of state he is meeting with, or what terrorists are planning for him, this I know--he needs to respect the unborn who are the future of our country. There are times when knowing how or what to pray for are difficult, so people just don't pray. As if they should know the mind of God! I know two things for sure--all this is in God's hands, and he already knows the outcome. But we are also told to pray for our leaders. I also know from scripture, specifically Psalm 139, that God cares deeply about each little one in the womb, whether he's the product of a tryst between a rebellious 17 year old involved with a married man, or she's missing a chromosome or has a serious physical problem, or even if the parents sincerely believe they can't handle the economic impact of a third or fourth child. Killing the child is never the best choice. So that will be my prayer for President Obama--that he will become an advocate for the weakest and most helpless in our society, that he will liberate women by encouraging their mothers to give birth to them, that he will find the solutions to society's problems by raising up a generation from pre-birth to old age who will find them.
My Zimbio