Monday, January 12, 2009

Older drivers in Florida

In January 2004 a new law requiring a visual acuity screen was put in place in Florida for drivers 80 years and older despite there being little evidence for an association between visual acuity and fatal motor vehicle collisions. The results were reported in Archives of Ophthalmology, 2008;126(11):1544-1547.
    From 2001 to 2006, there was a nonsignificant increase in MVC fatality rates in Florida; in contrast, fatality rates among drivers 80 years and older demonstrated a significant downward linear trend. When comparing prelaw (2001-2003) and post-law(2004-2006) periods, the fatality rate among all-aged occupants increased by 6%; conversely, fatalities among drivers 80 years and older decreased significantly by 17%. The researchers are not sure what explains this relationship.
Here's my guess (I've only seen the abstract, not the article). When states first began to require drivers' licenses, those who already knew how were "grandfathered in", at least in Illinois. Neither of my parents (born in 1912 and 1913) had to pass a test--they just received a license by applying for one. Once vision tests are required, the older drivers probably also read up on "rules of the road" and practice a little, out of fear of losing their license. My father was driving before he was a teen-ager, and probably regularly by age 14 (his mother was blind and he was the oldest so he drove everyone to church). He had only one accident that I know of, at around age 87; but another driver slid on the ice and hit him. No one was injured. Still, I think an angel must have been in the passenger seat after about age 80; at least it looked that way from the back seat where I was watching white-knuckled and gasping for breath.

Judging from the hair styles (my natural color, no perm, and my husband actually still has red hair) in this undated photo of my parents visiting Columbus, I'm guessing it is fall 1982, around the time they decided to go to Florida for an extended period. They only did that once--my mother was really bored and she thought Florida traffic was unreal. Then they just went for a week or two to visit my sister and brother who lived in Bradenton.
My Zimbio