Friday, January 16, 2009

Just give him a chance!

Why? He's already gone back on most of his campaign promises and hired all the old Clinton retreads--not even the left can trust him, let alone the right. (OK, so it's a bit of hyperbole--he hasn't broken ALL 510 campaign promises.) And spend? Oh my goodness! His $150 million inaugural makes Bush and Clinton look like pikers! Where, oh where, are all those progressive / liberal / marxist pundits and bloggers of 2004-2005 who moaned and groaned about Bush's extravagance? And tax us? Whew! Out the wazoo! And the arrogance. Strutting around and giving orders like he was the president the last two months. Didn't grandma teach him manners? Don't they have guidebooks for guys on a steep learning curve? Now he's stroking and snuggling up to a tax crook who doesn't know how to file quarterly the way the rest of us with self-employment income are required to do? And he's the guy who supposedly knows how to turn the economy around!! Perhaps we follow suit and see if President Obama gives us a job. Usually presidents wait 100 days before it's obvious they are clueless. So why wait? Why give him a chance when by Jan. 20 he will have already used up 77 days proving his worth?
    "Before President Bush took office, the federal government took in $2 trillion in revenue in 2000. As Bush leaves office, the federal government is expected to take in $2.4 trillion in 2009. In other words, after eight years under President Bush, the federal government is taking in $400 billion more a year in revenue. So why did Congressional Budget Office project a $1.4 trillion deficit for the 2009 budget? Massive spending increases. In 2000, the federal government spent just $1.8 trillion. Now the CBO estimates that the feds will spend almost double that, $3.5 trillion, in 2009 . Oh, and by the way, these figures do not include the nearly $1 trillion in new deficit spending that President-elect Barack Obama wants to throw at our struggling economy." Heritage Foundation, Morning Bell, January 16, 2009
    ". . . if you are one of the people who is sitting back waiting for Obama to ride in and clean up the mess his party has helped to create, quit holding your breath. You might as well will be business as usual. You know, throw some money here and throw some money there. Blow some smoke and blame the other party while perpetuating the problem. After all, our legislators created a crisis and want you to think we need them to resolve it. What we need is for them to go home, leave our taxes alone and let us upright the economy. Whoever heard that the wise thing to do when you are in debt is to go further into debt? The more money they blow the longer and more expensive the recovery! Obama has already expressed that this crisis will take years to resolve thus implying that we will probably need him and his party for another term or longer. They can milk the Bush blame game forever." Murray Sez
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