Saturday, January 17, 2009

An interview

These questions came from Pauline at
Writing down the words.

1. If you had $1,000,000, what would you do with it?

Because of the economy, I think I’d go for venture capital and invest in a bright, young, hard working entrepreneur or two. This is the future of our country--small businesses create a lot of jobs. I’ve been quite discouraged over the years seeing what happens to endowments to churches and colleges. After the donor or family die off, the recipients start using it for whatever, no matter how careful the instructions. And that may not be all bad--you can’t control your good works from the grave!

2. What have you learned from your children? What do you think they've learned from you?

I learned children pop out of the womb fully made and ready to go with intelligence, personality, abilities, appearance, voice, body language, gifts and foibles already in place. B. C. (before children) I was a big believer that environment matters most. No longer. We are what we are. I’m awfully thankful to God for their presence in my life, and that they live right here in Columbus. They will often say something like, "My parents taught me. . ." or "I get that from Mom. . ." and occasionally they'll mention a grandparent as an influence, but frankly, I don't see a lot of resemblance. But how nice that they think so. My daughter is better about writing thank you notes than I am--she seems to remember when I held them hostage until the note to grandma was written. "Meanest mother in town," then.

3. What living famous person would you most like to have as a dinner guest, and why? What would you serve?

I would love to have Laura Bush at my dinner table--she could bring George if he’s free from speaking engagements. She’s a former librarian who never wanted the spot light (like many of us in that field) but learned the ropes in order to follow her husband. George is a recovering alcoholic and so that takes a special person to live with that--not too wimpy or controlling--because don’t we always think we know best--especially those of us who got the librarian genes? I'd serve warmed over politics with roast journalists on the side.

4. If you could re-do one thing in your life, what would it be?

Do-overs are hard to imagine because you might mess up something down the road, however, I don’t think this idea would. I took chemistry in college, and this past summer I took a class in geology, and found it really interesting, so I think for a non-scientist science requirement, that might have been interesting. Of course, then I wouldn’t have dated the chemistry lab assistant, but that didn’t go anywhere any way, so I doubt that would have messed up my future. Of course, I might have flirted with someone in geology class. . . and not transferred to the University of Illinois where I met my husband.

5. What are you most looking forward to when you are able to retire?

I’ve been retired since October 2000. I was quite concerned about it, so I looked ahead and did some planning. I even wrote a story about (My lost suitcase) and distributed it. I loved my job, it offered me great opportunities to publish, travel, and working with fascinating topics and people (and animals). But I haven’t missed it at all. I’ve done most of the things on my list to try except in-line skating and bird watching (although I sit on my deck and watch them). Blogging I didn’t know about (started in October 2003), but writing was on my list, so that worked out nicely.

* * *
Now, if you’d like to answer interview questions of my own devising:

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. (I get to pick what they will be or I‘ll send this one.)
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
My Zimbio