Sunday, January 18, 2009

Featured Artist : Moonyk

I'd like to introduce a very talented girl, Moonyk! .. umm .. No, she's not talented, forgive me, but she's multi-talented! Yes, you heard that right! She can basically done many things and are practically good at them, illustrating children books, doing comic strip, making manga, even manipulating photographs! Believe me, this 26 year old Vietnam based artist has it all!

I apologize that I am beginning to sound like a third grade infomercial actress, but there are no ways better than this to introduce her, I think, well, I'm not Shakespeare so this is the best I can do. Anyway, I'm serious about how talented she is. Take a look at her stuffs here. If her works are literature, they are going to be poems. I think of her works as poetic and you can almost feel the rhyme, when you see them. Very strong, when needed, and delicate at the same time, all in a very tasteful color combination.

The wonderfully kind artist also allowed me to interview! How exciting! So here's a quick chat we had!

1. I realized I am an artist/illustrator when I got my first paid doing illustrations. :)
2. I am mostly inspired by weird things, strange thoughts, bizarre people.
3. I wish I were better at drawing machines, weapons and perspective.
4. I am most satisfied with "The lonesome weasel" because...telling the story of the lonesome weasel is the simplest way to tell mine.
5. I am a little bit embarrassed that I made few of my works, but I'm not gonna tell you which one :) because I think they're a little too flashy, showy or over-sentimental. (No, I won't! Hahaha, that's ok! I know how you feel.)
6. If I weren't making art, I'd probably be unwaged.
7. Tell us something trivial about you!
hmm, I'm sillily doting on my dog. Sometimes I can be very nerdy, and I tend to forgot stuffs like keys, hats, glasses...all the times.

Thank you Moonyk, for the lovely interview and the inspiration! Keep us inspired by your art!

My Zimbio