Friday, January 23, 2009

The closing of Gitmo

Oh, weren't they jubilant yesterday. The War on Terror is over--with a stroke of the pen. Now we're safe again--the rest of the Muslim world will fall at the feet of a convert to Christianity. Let them build high security prisons in the districts of Murtha and Pelosi, Pennsylvania and California, and park the terrorists there. Wait, make that just California. Western Pennsylvania is too close to Ohio. They shouldn't be put in U.S. prisons, military or general population, because they are so dangerous, both to the prison staff and the other prisoners. Plus, do you really want them recruiting among the prison population? Well, sure, some of you do, but what about the nearly 48% who didn't vote for Obama or only voted for his color and not his policies?

We used to visit prisoners in the old Ohio Penitentiary in downtown Columbus (now torn down). Even good old boys from southern Ohio can make weapons out of anything. Imagine what an al-Qaeda boy could do.
    Louis Pepe is sounding the alarm because his attacker used the same type of container to blind him with a mixture of Tabasco sauce and pepper before plunging a sharpened comb through his eye into his brain.

    "I thought for sure, after what happened to me, they wouldn't allow them to have the same things," Pepe said from a wheelchair in his Brooklyn apartment.
Michelle Malkin says: "King of Pork John Murtha, the 19-term Democratic congressman from western Pennsylvania, now wants to welcome a flood of Guantanamo Bay jihadis into his district. I don’t want to hear a single word of protestation from the constituents who put this money-grubbing, security-undermining fool back into office. As you vote, so shall you reap." Link
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