Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Wild flowers

A friend alerted me to this - In the latest Australian Dolly magazine (Jan 2009, pg 59) there is an article on making over your bedroom, and one of the example photos has my sleepy pink birds print in it!

I've been planning my next set of paintings which are going to be set in alpine-inspired wild flower fields. I also just got back from a short holiday in Bright where I took stacks of wild flower/grass photos for reference:

I had a really tough time working out which flowers were native to Australia (in an attempt to be at least a little patriotic). In the end I came to the conclusion that if it looks like it would be a real pain to paint, it's probably a native. Like this grevillea. I mean, its beautiful, but imagine painting it?! It would take so long! I might just paint whatever I like, instead.

Photo by flickr:tacksoon
My Zimbio