Friday, December 5, 2008

Tree Pet

Tree Pet, 11x11" (12x12" framed), ink & acrylic

This piece is for the Gifted show at Cerasoli:LeBasse, opening 12th Dec, more info here. This is the last show for the year for me.

I'm taking next week off to think, drink tea, and find some nice gardens to sit in, relax, read and sketch. It'll be nice to take some time to experiment with new ideas and work out a clearer direction for my painting.

I'm wanting to look more into vintage botanical illustrations to inspire new environments. Not flower paintings like old ladies make, but botanists sailing to new lands to document new species of plants, flowers and fruits. These kinds of drawings are always very intricate and have an idealised beauty to them, but they also display elements indicative of a cycle through cross-sections, bulbs, roots and insects. It's such a nice combination - beauty + the nature and science of things.
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