Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Shallow research

If it's possible for journalists to drown in a mud puddle, Cam Simpson and Jonathan Weisman of today's WSJ certainly fell in and died from lack of effort in this one, "Obama ties in the spotlight." Two sources are cited for the most part in this "investigation" written mostly in the passive tense: an Obama biographer, David Mendell, and an Obama mythmaker, David Axelrod. And so we get investigative depth such as
    the 2 aren't close
    no suggestion of inappropriate behavior
    public spotlight on the episodes
    highlights ties
    name will be linked
    little mud on his suit
    no relationship say aides
    unclear how much Obama worked on Blagojevich campaign
    not involved with Emanuel say transition officials
    gone separate ways (Axelrod and Blogojevich) says Mendell
    "I was mistaken when I said Obama spoke directly to Gov. Blogojevich about the Senate vacancy," said Axelrod.
Some articles are best left unwritten. The WSJ has the most liberal news coverage of any American newspaper, but this has to be an all time best obamapology.
My Zimbio