Sunday, December 7, 2008

New Notebook Time

The "latte" journal I started October 28, and used the last page December 5.

The new one should be cheery. It's published by Legacy Publishing Group, the artist is Teresa Kogut. I bought it at the Shade Tree at Lakeside this past summer. The old one (I bought a bunch of these) was $1.00 at the Discovery Shop. The artist is Deb Strain, an Ohio artist (according to the back inside cover) who left the classroom in 1994 to devote herself to her family and art.

Lots and lots of notes here I never used. So here's what I didn't write about--but will briefly note it here.
    Correction--California Teachers Association only donated $1.25 million to oppose Proposition 8, not $3 million as originally reported in WSJ. That was the ballot initiative to overturn the State Supreme Court ruling that allows gay marriage. Can you get a teacher's job if you don't join the union?

    70% of subprime loans that defaulted before they reset contained some kind of misrepresentation by the borrower, lender, or broker, or a combination of the 3. (no source)

    Hutu Tutsi conflict continues in Congo. Rebels advanced toward Congo's eastern provincial capital. U.N. is there. Wonder what they have been doing since the genocide in Rwanda 14 years ago?

    Will the left be happy now? Wal-Mart will continue its international expansion, but growth is flat in U.S. NIMBY attitude in many communities, so we all lose. They didn't even wait for President Obama to add more environmental regs, higher taxes, restrictive hiring practices, more punitive health care demands. And we wonder why business leaves?

    Hand washing--a cost cutting campaign years ago at OSUL--my idea, but it wasn't accepted. Notes on soap dishes, keyboards in libraries, tables, chairs, etc.

    Obama's ties to ACORN, John Fund article WSJ October 30.

    There are 39,000+ runners in the NYC marathon--26 in the 80-90 year old division. In my dreams!!!

    Lake Geneva real estate ad--$4.5 million--looks like an Hawaiian plantation. I wonder why you wouldn't go to Hawaii and get a real one?

    Theresa Hogan has an op-ed saying don't make this a single issue election--abortion. Why not? I might not word it that way but we do need a leader with character, not one who gets a 100% rating from NARAL.

    Friend highly recommends Fireproof at the AMC Dublin 18.

    Another icon the left hates--McDonalds. In France it is opening 29 stores in 2008--its biggest earner outside USA.

    Bank failures in 2008--17.

    When was the last time you changed your mind on something BIG? I listed 8.

    Pat Wynn Brown "Love is in the Hair"--she's a local actress, writer, cancer survivor. I remember reading her columns when she wrote for one of the free-circs. The event helps women who have lost their hair to chemo.

    I'd forgotten these guys--Ricky Nelson's sons, Matthew and Gunner. Playing at the Alrosa Villa.

    The clerk had a terrible cold--please send her home.

    50 women to watch world wide (WSJ) Only 3 appear to be African or African-American. 26 are over 50. Whoopee.

    Abstinance is 100% successful in controling the spread of AIDS and in reducing poverty, but it's a political wasteland with the pro-abortion crowd. There's no money in abstinance.

    I'm ignoring Peggy Noonan.

    In NY the UN Secretary looks up from his latte and polished desk and says he's "concerned" that women and children are being raped; homes burned and sons murdered. Someone buy this puppet a ticket to the Congo.

    I wonder why the more government funding a disease gets, the more it expands? New cases of diabetes--increased by 90% in 10 years. Spending on drugs to control diabetes almost doubled between 2001 and 2007 from $6.7 mil to $12.5 mil. Must be a relationship. Ya think?

    Oxymoron--mandatory volunteer

    Theodidacti--taught by God

    Hunger--now "food insecurity"

    Illinois leads the country in allowing retailers to keep some sales tax--$126,000,000. Apparently costs 3.1% of the sum collected for the retailer.

    Sea lamprey has "evolved" and now makes Vermont its home in Lake Champlain. Havoc on salmon and trout. No one seems to know how it got there.

    Recipe for Buckeye Pie

    Book review of "Breathing the fire" by Kimberly Dozier, Meredith Books, 2008, reviewed in JAMA Oct 1, 1595-96. Looks really good.

    Lies about stem cell research.

    Hank Greenberg (AIG)--huge losses in his foundations.

    Just one or two drinks can impair memory--seems to interfer with how memories are stored.

    In Jos Nigeria clashes of ethnic violence have killed over 400 and displaced over 7,000--mainly Christians by Muslims. I'm not going to say it was buried in the back pages of the paper because the victims were Christians, but I will say it was because they were Africans. But when you've killed millions by taking DDT away from them, what's a few more? Where are the happy-clappy, sappy-crappy one-globe folks when you need them?

    June Kronholz, WSJ 12-4-08, "Massive bureaucracy promises exciting new opportunity." Sigh. She notes: Workforce is older; only 17% of Americans trust the gov't; very sluggish; outsiders are not hired; it takes years to remove an ineffective worker; hiring one employee can involve 110 steps; pay and promotion are not tied to performance.

    McCain was the creator of the system that brought him down--the McCain-Feingold. "By not trusting the American people he allowed the worst, most corrupt money machine in history to decide our election."

    Gasoline in Ohio is around $1.50/gal. Auto dealerships are closing. Columbus mayor is closing eleven recreation sites.
That's a lot of not writing.
My Zimbio