Friday, December 5, 2008

If you want to podcast

There's a neat little, easy to install thingy/widget for your written blog that turns it into a podcast. I don't listen to podcasts by amateurs because most people write better than they speak. But this feature is really amazing. It sounds almost like a real person--better than I could do if I read my own blogs aloud. Except. . . I can't get it to work correctly. I'm on my way out the door so I won't have time to fiddle, but if you find a blog that has one take a listen to that writer clicking on odiogo link. My problem specifically was that he/it would only read about 20 seconds, and also read some encoded huge number that I didn't know was there like 5 million 4 hundred thousand and 82. It could be because I html my topic headings with out of date code and it is trying vainly to read them. I don't think I have any fans who want my blogs on their i-pods, however, listening to the rhythm of your writing (I think) can make you a better writer. One of the reasons the KJV Bible is so elegant compared to today's plodding, English-as-it-was-never-spoken translations and paraphrases, is that it was written to be listened to--many people didn't know how to read.
My Zimbio