Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Great Orators of the Democratic Party

Via Best of the Web.
    • "One man with courage makes a majority."--attributed to Andrew Jackson

    • "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."--Franklin D. Roosevelt

    • "The buck stops here."--Harry S. Truman

    • "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."--John F. Kennedy

    • "I'm really coming into this as somebody who isn't, you know, part of the system, who obviously, you know, stands for the values of, you know, the Democratic Party. I know how important it is to, you know, to be my own person. And, you know, and that would be obviously true with my relationship with the mayor."--Caroline Kennedy
Off teleprompter, she's as good as Obama and most of us. She can hire a speech writer for the big events. I think she meets all the constitutional requirements for office even though she has rarely voted and hasn't contributed much except her name to local or national candidates who will fawn all over her. That gives her a cleaner record than most pols. She's no Sarah Palin, but maybe she's a fast learner.
My Zimbio