Thursday, December 4, 2008

Curses to use for those who might misuse a gift or endowment

At lunch today a group of retirees were discussing what becomes of gifts and endowments to universities and cities whether they be for a building, a library or landscaping. I for one wouldn't give a penny to any institution to name or build something, because as soon as the last relative who could object has faded from view, it is bulldozed, moved, renamed, or merged.

In the 10th century the Abbey of Cluny was established with donations from William I the Pious, duke of Aquitaine and count of Auvergne and his wife Ingelberga. You can see the charter at Medieval Sourcebook. It has some magnificent curses on those who might misuse the gift for anything other than his intent. Perhaps when you donate land, houses, or memorials to honor a loved one or yourself, you might throw in some of these curses in the agreement.
    "If anyone - which Heaven forbid, and which through the mercy of God and the protection of the holy apostles I do not think will happen - whether he be a neighbour or a stranger, no matter what his condition or power, should, though any kind of wile, attempt to do any act of violence contrary to this deed of gift which we have ordered to be drawn up for the love of almighty God and for reverence of the chief apostles Peter and Paul; first indeed let him incur the wrath of almighty God;

    and let God remove him from the land of the living and wipe out his name from the book of life, and let his portion be with those who said to the Lord God: Depart from us; and with Dathan and Abiron whom the earth opening its jaws swallowed up, and hell absorbed whill still alive, let him incur everlasting damnation.

    And being made a companion of Judas, let him be kept thrust down their with eternal tortures, and, let it seem to human eyes that he pass through the present world with impunity, let him experience in his own body, indeed, the torments of future damnation, sharing the double disaster with Heliodorus and Antiochus, of whom one being coerced with a sharp blow scarcely escaped alive; and the other, struck down by the divine will, his members putrefying and swarming with vermin, perished most miserably.

    And let him be a partaker in with other sacrilegious persons who presume to plunder the treasure house of God; and let him, unless he come to his senses, have as an enemy and as one who will refuse him entrance in the blessed paradise, the key-keeper of the whole hierarchy of the Church, and joined with the latter, St. Paul; both of whom, if he had wished, he might have had as holy mediators for him. But as far as the worldly law is concerned, he shall be required, the judicial power compelling him to pay a hundred pounds of gold to those he has harmed;

    and his attempted attack, being frustrated, shall have no effect at all. But the validity of this deed of gift, endowed with all authority, shall always remain inviolate and unshaken, together with the stipulation subjoined."
My Zimbio