Monday, December 29, 2008

And now for a change of pace

The carpet cleaner is coming tomorrow. We have white carpet against brown marble floors. And it hasn't been cleaned since we moved here in 2002. So today, while blowing my nose (I have a cold), I'm scurrying around trying to get piles of this and that off the floor. He will work around the furniture, but most likely not boxes and piles of books. So when I removed the debris from under my office couch, I found a stack of premiere issue magazines awaiting description in my other, other blog, called In the Beginning. So if you want to see a blog that probably is not like any others you've read, go there. I added three entries today, but there are nine still on top of my desk, and several hundred more calling to me upstairs. It's an odd hobby, but someone had to do it. Actually, other people do--people in the magazine business, but my blog has my special touch--opinion and no ads. I don't remember why I thought it was a good idea now. They can really take over a place.
My Zimbio