Saturday, November 29, 2008

The word terrorist returns to print

Did you notice? As early as October 2001 Reuters asked its reporters to not use terrorist when referring to 9/11 hijackers/attackers. But this week with the attacks in Mumbai (Bombay) it's in vogue again. Even Barack Obama used it. "The United States must continue to strengthen our partnerships with India and Nations around the world to root out and destroy terrorist networks." Doesn't that sound familiar, even if he wants them to do the heavy lifting? Belligerent. Bellicose. I think both Clinton and Bush said something very similar years ago. Anyway, apparently there are journalists, experts and commentators who still don't get it, that this might take some time to analyze and figure out. Maybe caution? Here's one Indian who's just telling it like it is. Smoke Signals.
My Zimbio