Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thank you, Emily, for that reminder!

What would we do without our friendly government or academic reminding us of what we already know, but somehow like petulant children, refuse to use.
    “Pace yourself. Eating slowly can help reduce overall intake over time,” said Emily Lisciandro, a clinical dietician [my spell check says dietitian, but the dictionary says this spelling is OK] at the Ohio State University Medical Center. “Also, gauge your eating habits and if you find you have overindulged, eat sensibly in the days that follow.”

    Before going to a party, a healthy snack can curb your appetite and help you avoid less healthy options, say Lisciandro. Avoid the temptations of overeating by sipping on a beverage or chewing a piece of gum and don’t use dieting after the holidays as an excuse to eat more, she advises.

    There are still many healthy, seasonal food options such as turkey, fruits and vegetables, and the following minor changes will help you enjoy your favorite foods:
      •Have a piece of pumpkin pie topped with fat-free whipped topping or a piece of angel food cake, which is better than eating a half-batch of iced cut-out cookies.

      •Watch out for beverages loaded with calories. Choose hot cider instead of eggnog.

      •Check cooking magazines for lighter versions of your favorite recipes.

      •Substitute egg whites for whole eggs, use skim evaporated milk instead of heavy cream and look for fat-free or lighter versions of whipped toppings, cream cheese and other foods.

    Lisciandro also suggests focusing on other fun holiday activities -- besides eating. “To burn extra calories, chop wood for a fire, take the stairs instead of the elevator, park further away when going to the mall, or participate in seasonal activities such as sledding, ice skating or skiing.”
After we got back home on Thursday loaded with left overs from my daughter's fabulous meal, my husband took two walks and I took one. Noticing that my favorite slacks didn't fit, I actually stepped on the scale. I'm not even eating the pumpkin pie and cherry pie and honey baked ham she sent home. But I will also avoid chopping wood, sledding and ice skating. (Wonder where Emily lives? Between Cleveland and Buffalo?)

Story from OSU Press Release.
Burning calories after dinner
My Zimbio